Ohmi Sangyo Exhibits for the First Time at Manufacturing World

Over three days starting on October 4, JFE Shoji Group company Ohmi Sangyo Co., Ltd. exhibited for the first time at the 26th Manufacturing World Osaka 2023 held at INTEX Osaka. The event featured exhibits by 1,200 companies targeting various manufacturing-related departments, including design, development, manufacturing, production technology, procurement and information systems. A total of 30,000 people came to the event, with representatives of 107 companies visiting the Ohmi Sangyo booth. The company used panels, videos and other materials to showcase its ability to handle every step of steel processing, from receiving materials to machining, welding and producing finished products.

In fact, Ohmi Sangyo is one of the few companies in Japan that can process plates and coils into steel products entirely in-house. The main theme of the company’s medium-term business plan is to leverage this strength to expand sales in the secondary processing field. Ohmi Sangyo decided to exhibit at Manufacturing World because the event draws visitors from all different areas of manufacturing, meaning the company can directly introduce itself to and negotiate with people in charge of design, procurement, and other functions.

Many of the event attendees who stopped by the Ohmi Sangyo booth were having problems with processing. Engaging in direct dialogue with them about these issues made the event an invaluable opportunity for the company to both raise its industry profile and get a feeling for how much the market might still grow.

Western District Steel Division general manager Shinji Kitajima visits the Ohmi Sangyo booth

Conducting negotiations

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.

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