

JFE Group Basic Policy on Human Rights

The JFE Shoji Group is committed to advancing human rights as it conducts business activities at its locations around the world in accordance with the JFE Group Basic Policy on Human Rights.
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Basic Policy on Sustainability in the Supply Chain

JFE Shoji Group is striving to become a company with a strong market presence that achieves sustainable growth alongside our customers and stakeholders, including the JFE Group. We believe that ensuring sustainability in the supply chain is a pivotal issue in ensuring that outcome. As such, we have established our “Basic Policy on Sustainability in the Supply Chain” as our guiding principle for tackling human rights, labor issues, the global environment, and more in the supply chain. JFE Shoji Group seeks the understanding, cooperation and compliance of suppliers and other business partners with this basic policy as we build a more sustainable supply chain with them.

Basic Policy on Sustainability in the Supply Chain
  • 1. Respect for human rights
    • Recognize the diverse values of individuals, and support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
    • Prohibit inhumane treatment such as harassment and abuse including physical punishment.
  • 2. Prohibition of discrimination
    • Respect individuals in business activities and avoid all forms of discrimination.
  • 3. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
    • Eradicate all forms of forced labor and child labor.
  • 4. Improvement of working environment
    • Promote the establishment of safer, healthier and more rewarding working environments for all employees.
  • 5. Respect for basic rights in labor
    • Respect the freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining in line with the laws in each country and labor agreements.
    • Comply with the minimum wage required by law and restrictions on overtime work.
  • 6. Ensuring fair trade and anticorruption
    • Comply with the laws and social norms in the countries and territories in which business activities are conducted, and thoroughly ensure fair trade and anticorruption.
  • 7. Respect for global environment
    • Give due consideration to the resource preservation and environmental conservation, and continuously promote environmentally friendly business activities.
  • 8. Information disclosure
    • Provide timely and appropriate disclosures of information related to the above.

November 2020
JFE Shoji Corporation

Signing the United Nations Global Compact

JFE Shoji signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) to promote sustainable management ahead of the rest of the JFE Group in April 2021 and joined Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) as an official member.

The UNGC is a global framework for achieving sustainable growth. It encourages companies and organizations to act as upstanding members of society and demonstrate responsible and creative leadership. Companies and organizations that sign the UNGC pursue ongoing activities to realize sustainable growth based on the commitment of top management to support ten principles in four areas: respect for human rights, elimination of unfair labor practices, environmental action, and anticorruption.

We signed the UNGC and simultaneously joined GCNJ. GCNJ is a local organization and network that promotes Global Compact activities in Japan. As a platform for driving sustainable development, it engages in various subcommittee activities. It also promotes mutual dialogue and learning among GCNJ members as well as other parties, which is producing proactive collaborations.

Through our participation in GCNJ, we plan to strongly promote ESG activities groupwide while sharing information with the rest of the JFE Group on the latest global trends in ESG and how other members of the GNCJ are committed to such activities.

Basic Environmental Policy

JFE Shoji Group has promoted conservation of the global environment and a recycling-oriented society, and engages in related activities.

Basic Environmental Policy
  • Basic Philosophy

    We recognize environmental problems as a vital issue facing all of humanity. As such, we are working to preserve the global environment to fulfill our responsibility as a corporate citizen and to contribute to society.

  • Corporate Code of Conduct

    JFE Shoji group executes environmental management based on the following policies as the trading company which handles steel products, raw materials, industrial machinery, ships, chemicals, fuels, electronics, and conduct domestic sale, import-export business of various products.

    • 1. Observe environmental laws and regulations and prevent pollution

      We observe environmental laws, regulations and industrial standards in all our activities, and conduct those activities in ways designed to preserve the environment and prevent pollution.

    • 2. Reduce energy consumption

      We promote to reduce our energy consumption to prevent global warming.

    • 3. Effectively utilize resources and promote recycling

      We use resources as efficiently as possible and promote recycling.

    • 4. Promote product trading activities that contribute to the environment

      We focus on handling environmentally friendly products and environmentally friendly activities in our product trading activities to help preserve the global environment.

    • 5. Promote environmental management and ongoing improvements

      We establish environmental targets to achieve our environmental policy, and all employees promote environmental management. We also regularly review our environmental targets and revise them as necessary, and work on ongoing improvements to our environmental management system to boost our environmental performance.

    • 6. Notify our employees and the public about our environmental policies

      We notify our employees of our environmental policies and educate them about the policies so that they all understand them and act accordingly. We also make our environmental policies public.

Health and Safety Management Policy

Safety and health are the foundation of the JFE Shoji Group’s corporate activities. With “safety first” as our motto, we engage in safety and health activities with the overall goal of ensuring that our employees work in safe and comfortable environments.

Health and Safety Management Policy
  • Health and Safety Management Policy
    • Slogan

      Our goal is to build an accident-free culture with everyone’s participation.

    • Basic Philosophy

      Prioritize safety first

    • Activity Policy

      Eliminate unsafe practices that lead to accidents
      (Eliminate accidents resulting from contact with products, moving machinery, suspended objects and transport vehicles, as well as falls from high places.)

Quality Policy

The JFE Shoji Group has set forth quality principles with the principle of addressing customer expectations and needs and continually seeks to improve quality.

Quality Principles

The JFE Shoji Group will continue to provide products that meet the quality requirements of our customers to ensure that we always maintain their trust.

Health Declaration

JFE Shoji introduced our Health Declaration in 2017, and we are working hard to create workplaces in which employees can work with vigor.

JFE Shoji Health Declaration
  • JFE Shoji is proactively seeking to maintain and improve the health of our employees and their families and create workplaces in which employees can work with vigor, based on the belief that this will lead to greater growth for our company.

    Toshinori Kobayashi
    JFE Shoji Corporation President and CEO

    <JFE Group Health Declaration>

    1. JFE, recognizing that safety and health are fundamental for fulfilling its mission, creates workplaces in which every employee can work with vigor.
    2. JFE and its health insurance union work together to advance initiatives for maintaining and upgrading the physical and mental health of employees and their families.
    3. JFE gives top priority to safety and health and to creating a health culture in which each employee takes personal responsibility.
    【Priority measures】
    • ■Workplace health

      Constructing a safe and satisfying workplace

      • ・Promote work efficiency and prevent long work hours
      • ・Expand two-way communication within the workplace
      • ・Develop and maintain systems that create a good balance between health and work for employees and their families
    • ■Mental health

      Prevent mental health problems

      • ・Carry out stress tests and steadily improve the workplace environment based on the results of those tests
      • ・Advance the idea of self-care through mental health education
      • ・Have managers and supervisors provide mental health care for their direct subordinates
      • ・Improve the system for mental health consultations
    • ■Physical health

      Promote early detection of disease and prevent serious illnesses among employees and their families

      • ・Provide medical checkups and appropriate health consultations
      • ・Increase the rate of checkups and consultations for spouses
      • ・Re-energize health-enhancement activities in cooperation with the health insurance union
      • ・Improve lifestyle habits based on the analysis of data from medical checkups

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