
JFE Shoji

  • TOP
  • All about JFE Shoji

Since we were established, JFE Shoji has been on a journey buoyed by your support.
We will continue that journey with you. Here is a look at our past, present and future initiatives.

Corporate Movie
Our journey
– with a will of iron


Get to Know Our Past

Establishment of JFE Shoji

JFE Shoji Group was established in October 2004 when Kawasho Corporation and NKK Trading Inc. merged and restructured themselves. Its mission was and is to handle the core functions of product sales and global procurement for the JFE Group.

Company Lineage
Company Lineage

JFE Group Structure

In October 2012, JFE Shoji became an operating company of JFE Holdings to leverage the JFE Shoji Group’s marketing functions throughout the JFE Group and bolster the efficiency of the JFE Group’s entire steel business supply chain.

Group Organizational Chart
JFE Group Structure


Our Present

Our Present

JFE Shoji by the Numbers

JFE Shoji has around 100 Group companies worldwide and employs more than 8,500 people. JFE Shoji and its Group companies unite as a team in our business activities, so we are able to supply products that match customer needs on a global basis.

JFE Shoji Group

Working worldwide, our employees and Group companies will band together to address global needs while promoting various initiatives.

JFE Shoji by the Numbers

Number of employees (consolidated)


(as of March 31, 2024)

Number of employees (JFE Shoji)


(as of March 31, 2024)

Diversity and

We are incorporating more training and refining an environment that better fosters a corporate culture in which diverse talents can play an active role within various workstyles.

Cultivating human resources to
boost quality and services

To strengthen our human resources development, we are providing various training designed to bring out the full potential of our employees and actively dispatching young employees overseas to give them practical global experience.

Health and safety initiatives

Health and safety initiatives

We conduct Group-wide health and safety management activities as a way to create safer and more pleasant workplaces, which represent the core of our corporate activities.

We conduct Group-wide health and safety management activities as a way to create safer and more pleasant workplaces, which represent the core of our corporate activities.


fiscal year ended March 2024

Sales revenue


Segment profit


*IFRS adopted; fiscal year ended March 2024 (consolidated)

Business Fields
across the Globe

Sales offices:

in Japan, 20 overseas 35

Group companies:

in Japan, 43 overseas 56


Our Business

JFE Shoji

JFE Shoji

Business Model

JFE Shoji is working to establish a more stable revenue base by expanding both our trade and our business. In addition, we will strengthen our business foundation by boosting cooperation between our business bases on the basis of our Global Four Key Regions, which focuses on Japan, the Americas, China and ASEAN.
By expanding our supply chain from upstream to downstream with the focus on steel-related businesses, we will open up new possibilities and pursue social and environmental issues such as carbon neutrality and a recycling-oriented society as opportunities for growth. While taking advantage of the management resources and information network we have cultivated to date, we will work on our ESG management to lead during the times ahead.


Get to Know Our Future

Seventh Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2021-FY2024)

Under the current medium-term management plan, we continue to pursue basic policies set forth in the Sixth Medium-Term Management Plan. Those policies include maintaining and expanding trading income, increasing business income, and strengthening our global four key regions. Through these and other measures, we will continue to expand our supply chain to build a stronger foundation for the JFE Group’s growth in promising fields such as electrical steel, automobiles, and construction materials in overseas markets. In addition, we will leverage our vast expertise and high-level proposal capabilities—two of our greatest strengths—to enhance our purchasing and sales power and expand business with products other than those from JFE Steel. Furthermore, we will leverage our Group’s information network and management resources to promote ESG management and DX, which are becoming increasingly significant. We will do our utmost to meet the needs of our customers.

Business strategy
looking ahead to 2024

  • Key Measure 1:Initiatives in Priority Fields

    • Establish No. 1 position in 
      global processing and
      distribution of electrical steel sheet
      Establish No. 1 position in 
      global processing and
      distribution of electrical steel sheet

      We have built a top-class electrical steel sheet processing and distribution network. During this medium-term period, we intend to become number one in the global processing and distribution of electrical steel sheet by extending our supply chain into new regions, bolstering our processing functions, and expanding collaborations with alliance partners.

    • Strengthen our supply chain for automotive steel composite materials
      Strengthen our supply chain for automotive steel composite materials

      As demand for lighter vehicles grows, we expect the use of high-tensile steel to rise. While syncing our strategy with JFE Steel, we will strengthen our focus on high-tensile steel in the supply chain to accelerate the global expansion of automotive steel.

    • Accelerate efforts in overseas construction materials business
      Accelerate efforts in overseas construction materials business
      Accelerate efforts in overseas construction materials business

      To capture a greater market share in the construction materials sector, which is expected to continue growing, we are looking into broadening our business domains in North America through M&A and expanding our dealings in ASEAN with local general contractors and others. We are also considering more collaborations with local companies.

    • Fully capture steel demand in Japan
      Fully capture steel demand in Japan

      In the Japanese market—which we consider the most crucial—we are forming partnerships outside the Group and expanding services such as secondary and tertiary processing. We are also expanding sales by syncing our strategy with JFE Steel and tying those efforts into maintaining and expanding income.

  • Key Measure 2: Strengthening our purchasing and sales capabilities

    • Expand business domains in steel, raw materials, and materials and equipment
      Expand business domains in steel,
      raw materials, and materials and equipment

      We are strengthening relationships in the steel materials field with alliance partners in Japan and other countries to supplement our main source of supply, JFE Steel. In this way we will build a more stable procurement structure and becoming more responsive to customer requests from all over the world. In the fields of raw materials and machinery and materials, we will accelerate the expansion of our business outside the Group by leveraging the knowledge, expertise and procurement network we have built up through transactions within the JFE Group.

  • Key Measure 3: Responding to New Business Opportunities

    • Expand our environmental
      solutions business
      Expand our environmental
      solutions business

      We will approach the rising social demand for ESG as an opportunity in the following ways:
      ① Build a steel supply chain dedicated to boosting offshore wind power generation as well as strengthening the processing and distribution of eco-products such as electrical steel sheet and high-tensile steel for automobiles
      ②Reduce CO2 emissions by expanding trade in biomass fuels such as palm kernel shells (PKS) and wooden pellets, and promoting global resource recycling by increasing the volume of steel scrap we handle

    • DX initiatives
      DX initiatives

      We aim to improve the competitiveness of products and services in supply chains by working on innovative enhancement of productivity through digital transformation (DX), the reform of existing businesses, and the creation of new businesses using digital technologies.


Segment profit

¥40 billion

Based on the seven initiatives set forth in our business strategy, we will strengthen our core businesses, build a more robust foundation for growth, and leverage our strengths to achieve our goals.
Reference: FY2020 segment profit was ¥20 billion


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