Corporate Information

Company Summary

Company Summary

  • Name

    JFE Shoji Corporation

  • Established

    January, 1954

  • President and CEO

    Toshinori Kobayashi

  • Capital

    14.5 billion

  • Major Businesses

    Trading of each type of product domestically as well their import and export are the main concerns of the company. Our wide-ranging business interests include steel products, raw materials for steel, machinery and materials, real estate, in our group companies foods, electronics, and more

  • Settlement Term

    March, 31st

  • Employees

    Consolidated 8,618(As of March 31st, 2024)

  • Offices (Domestic)

    20 locations

  • Offices (Overseas)

    35 locations

The Location of Head Office

Head Office

Otemachi Financial City North Tower,
1-9-5, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
TEL: 81-3-5203-5053 FAX: 81-3-5203-5289

Access ( time from nearest station)

JR Line, Tokyo Station, Marunouchi North Gate
10 minutes by walk

Tokyo Metro, Otemachi station
2 minutes by walk ( Marunouchi Line )
6 minutes by walk ( Tozai Line )

Toei Mita Line, Otemachi station
8 minutes by walk

Corporate Catalogue, DATA BOOK

REPORT ・Sustainability Report Link to JFE Holdings, Inc.

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