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  • Hokuriku Steel’s Tsuchida Qualifies as First Female Class 1 Steel Fabrication Management Engineer in Niigata Prefecture’s Shearing Industry

Hokuriku Steel’s Tsuchida Qualifies as First Female Class 1 Steel Fabrication Management Engineer in Niigata Prefecture’s Shearing Industry

Yuko Tsuchida, a chief in the Kashiwazaki Sales Group of Hokuriku Steel—a JFE Shoji Group company—became the first woman in Niigata Prefecture’s shearing industry to earn a Class 1 steel fabrication management engineer certification. This certification is for engineers handling fabrication work management and quality control at steel fabrication plants, and requires a comprehensive knowledge of steel fabrication.

Tsuchida decided about six months ago to go for the certification after conversations with customers made her lack of deep knowledge about steel fabrication clear. She also wanted to understand customer needs better and make better proposals to them. She was also inspired by the growing number of female fabricators she has had opportunity to meet.

To study for the exam, Tsuchida solved sample test questions over and over again, consulting her textbooks whenever she didn’t understand something. Fearing that skipping even one day would make her want to stop altogether, she studied an average of two hours per day for six months.

The test was more difficult than she expected. Although she was afraid she might not pass, she was successful. “I was so relieved to have passed,” Tsuchida tells us. “Taking the test was a sort of ordeal for myself, since I was starting to forget what it was like to take on such a big challenge. My hope was that the experience of hard work turning into a positive result would give me confidence. I’m overjoyed to see my efforts bear fruit. I’m also grateful to the company for giving me the opportunity.”

Tsuchida plans to use her newfound knowledge to become a salesperson who can put herself in the customer’s shoes and think with them, and who is always ready to take on new challenges.

The JFE Shoji Group will continue to support the growth of its employees.

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.

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