- Pick up JFE Shoji
- The FY2024 JFE Shoji J-Muscle Presentations
The FY2024 JFE Shoji J-Muscle Presentations

JFE Shoji’s FY2024 J-Muscle Presentations—part of our operational improvement program—took place over five days in November and December last year. These annual presentations serve as opportunities to report the results of operational improvement activities JFE Shoji and its Group employees have been conducting on an ongoing basis. The goal is to share and spread these best practices throughout the Group, boosting the efficiency and value of our operations.
With Business Transformation Planning & Promotion Section manager Natsuko Koizumi once again moderating the program, the online event featured presentations by 21 organizations, including 8 domestic and overseas Group companies. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, including: efficiency gains using ChatGPT’s ability to generate translations and write Excel functions; an initiative to reduce costs and go paperless by digitizing invoices, mill sheets and other forms; and an office renovation aimed at stimulating internal and intra-Group communications and accommodating diverse workstyles. The presentation on using ChatGPT was especially popular. Over 250 employees were watching the live presentation, indicating the high level of interest in the subject.
“It pleases me so see that people in other departments have taken an interest in our reforms, asking me questions during our presentation, and even in passing at the office,” one presenter commented. “I think our efforts have strengthened the entire organization.”
At JFE Shoji, we believe that continuous change—even if the change is small—strengthens the company’s constitution, and we foster a corporate culture of always seeking change. We will continue J-Muscle activities to reexamine the way we work, think, and tackle challenges, thereby creating new systems with higher productivity.

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.