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  • Technical Planning & Support Department Hosts Thirteenth Overseas Group Company Technical Conference

Technical Planning & Support Department Hosts Thirteenth Overseas Group Company Technical Conference

The Technical Planning & Support Department hosted the thirteenth Overseas Group Company Technical Conference over three days starting on October 30. Held in-person this year for the first time in five years, the conference disseminates useful information from Group companies throughout the entire Group, leading to mutual growth. This year, 34 staff members from 17 overseas Group companies participated and gave presentations about their improvement initiatives in areas such as health and safety, quality, operations, facilities, and cost reduction.
The participants from each company gave enthusiastic presentations to an audience that included President and CEO Toshinori Kobayashi, four directors, and other officers. After each presentation, the audience peppered the presenters with questions about their improvement activities.
An awards ceremony followed the presentations, with awards from the president, the two vice presidents, and the Technical Planning & Support Department given to this year’s best presentations. The awards and recipients are as follows:

President’s Award: JFE Shoji Steel Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Vice Presidents’ Awards: P.T. JFE Shoji Steel Indonesia and Vest LLC
Technical Planning & Support Department Award: JFE Shoji Steel Service Center Bajio, S.A.P.I. de C.V.

On the last day, participants toured the JFE Steel East Japan Works (Chiba) and witnessed the manufacturing process, deepening their understanding of and affection for the steel materials they work with. Their eyes lit up when they saw the raw power of the converters, the continuous casting lines, and the hot-rolling equipment for the first time, and they asked countless questions of the steelworkers. In the afternoon, they capped off the conference with some sightseeing and other activities, creating memories of Japan to take home.
The JFE Shoji Group will continue to share initiatives from our Group companies that promise to boost productivity, safety and other aspects of business.

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.

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