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- Osaka Office Representatives Attend Nikkei New Office Awards Event
Osaka Office Representatives Attend Nikkei New Office Awards Event

Mari Murase (left) receiving the certificate from chair Shinji Ariyoshi
JFE Shoji Osaka Office representatives attended the awards ceremony for the Kinki block of the 37th Nikkei New Office Awards on September 25. They included general manager Shinji Kitajima and two members of the office project team, Mari Murase and Haruko Tanabe. The trio received a certificate and plaque from Kinki New Office Awards Executive Committee chair Shinji Ariyoshi.
The New Office Promotion Association and other cosponsors organize the Nikkei New Office Awards to promote and spread the creation of comfortable, functional offices by recognizing offices full of originality and invention.
The Osaka Office was renovated this spring based on the theme of “an office that connects, conveys and continues.” A team including members from the Osaka Office and JFE Group companies was formed to tackle the project. They came up with a corridor that circles the entire office and a hot-desking office layout, among other changes. The new office space received a stellar evaluation for its embodiment of the New Office concept, earning the New Office Promotion Award for the Kinki block.
During the reception after the award ceremony, attendees viewed panels showing the award-winning offices while exchanging opinions about recent office design trends, workstyles and other topics. It was a good chance to network and exchange information.

Haruko Tanabe, Mari Murase and general manager Shinji Kitajima at the awards ceremony

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.