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  • [Social Contribution Activities] Our Environmental Beautification Program at Kiba Park

[Social Contribution Activities] Our Environmental Beautification Program at Kiba Park

We conducted an environmental beautification program at Kiba Park in Tokyo on May 18, with around thirty JFE Shoji Group employees and employee family members participating. The NPO Lifestyle Research Institute of Forests helped organize and support the program, with the goal being to preserve the landscape and safety of the park by working on areas that park managers find difficult to maintain.
On event day, which started at 10 a.m., the participants split up into two groups and spent about two hours pruning plants and repairing benches. They trimmed branches that were protruding onto the running course to a uniform height and width, preserving the park’s green infrastructure. Benches with peeling paint were sanded and repainted to beautify the park.
The children who participated had fun and worked hard, pruning and painting and taking snack breaks along the way. Some employees even brought their pets, giving the day a relaxing atmosphere from start to finish.
Afterward, participants enjoyed refreshments and friendly exchanges. The participants then received pound cakes prepared by students of Tokyo Metropolitan Adachi Special Education School, which the Group has a close relationship with.
The JFE Shoji Group will continue to work with the community to realize a more sustainable society.

For more information, Please contact:
JFE Shoji Corporation
Public Relations Sec. General Administration Dept.

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