
 コロナ禍の影響で3年ぶりに開催された12月18日のバンコク鉄鋼ミニマラソンに、タイJFE商事会社、Central Metals (Thailand)、アセアン事業本部から総勢約20人のメンバーが参加しました。


 A total of about 20 members from JFE Shoji Thailand, Central Metals (Thailand), and ASEAN Business Division participated in the Khon Lek Mini Marathon (Bangkok) on December 18, which was held for the first time in three years due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
 In December, the weather is getting cooler, and the schedule is quite tough with 4:30 in the morning, however, the participating members ran the 10km, 5km and 2km distances registered by each participant at their own pace. We ran refreshingly from early in the morning and was able to spend the day effectively. We plan to participate together next year and beyond.

◆Trivia : In order to avoid the heat, marathons in Thailand start at 4-5 o'clock in the morning.

JFE商事 総務部 広報室(TEL:03-5203-5055)
